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My method consists of three pillars:


1. Body

Personalized resistance training routine.


2. Mindset

Mindfulness practices and journalling to gain clarity of mind and focus.

3. Nutrition

Prioritizing a healthy and balanced diet.


My goal is to guide my clients on how to prioritize their wellbeing as part of their lifestyle so they can show up in all the important areas of their lives the way that they desire and aspire to.

Book a free call with me to see if I can help you.

Always in your corner,



Without good health, and connection with your body, facing life's challenges or embracing life's joys can become limited.


Good health supports your ability to show up in other areas of your life: your relationships, work, school, and for yourself. Good health and fitness enables you to become more vibrant, synergetic, and alive.

You're provided with a customized, evolving workout routine and nutritional guidance that is centered around your physical wellness vision.

Exploring your relationship with food and your body, You're encouraged to nurture a healthier you; translating into making healthier, self-serving choices for years to come.

With specialisation in resistance and strength training, You're introduced to effective training methods for maximal physique results and an enjoyable and grounding means of movement that facilitates a deeper connection with  your body, vision and self.



Rooted in long-term transformation, reflection through word in the format of journal prompts, mindfulness and alignment exercises to excite the state of mind, being, and emotions that contribute to fostering real change, beyond the superficial.


Based on the habits and lifestyle changes we identify to serve you on your goals, you'll be prompted to delve further into the your unique set of limiting beliefs, challenges, inspirations and mindset adjustments to help you take action.

Based on the topics, thoughts and feelings that come up through your transformation journey and raised in our coaching sessions.


Yoou will be paced through a custom 3-12 month program structured all towards inviting you to take advantage of the opportunity of your new wellbeing lifestyle to explore the personal, mental, emotional shifts and


tools that'll enable the integration of your  awareness and action to take form into your way of being for the months and years to come.


Without good health, and connection with your body, facing life's challenges or embracing life's joys can become limited.


Good health supports your ability to show up in other areas of your life: your relationships, work, school, and for yourself. Good health and fitness enables you to become more vibrant, synergetic, and alive.

You're provided with a customized, evolving workout routine and nutritional guidance that is centered around your physical wellness vision.

Exploring your relationship with food and your body, You're encouraged to nurture a healthier you; translating into making healthier, self-serving choices for years to come.

With specialisation in resistance and strength training, You're introduced to effective training methods for maximal physique results and an enjoyable and grounding means of movement that facilitates a deeper connection with  your body, vision and self.




"I chose to work on chronic back pain with Rimi, her approach is authentic and non-judgmental. She allowed me to find my own groove and helped me develop a state of mind that is not about a goal but rather a journey. I felt heard and seen from the start, feeling 10 years younger, thanks Rimi."


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"Rimi created a meticulous plan to help me realize my goal and her coaching is tailor-made to fit your unique needs.  It only takes one conversation with her to feel that “she gets you”.  It’s not just about getting flat abs and round glutes — that’s just a bonus to what you’ll achieve through training with Rimi."


"I approached Rimi for help with stress management, and her guidance has been transformative. She introduced me to techniques that I can easily integrate into my daily routine, making a huge difference in how I handle stress. Rimi's holistic approach and personalized attention made such a difference in my journey"

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